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Who is Live Oak Farms? The Answer May Surprise You.

Who is Live Oak Farms? We’ve been getting this question quite a bit in the last few months. New customers, consumers, friends, and family alike. Being early into 2021, answering this question is a great kick off to the coming year. Why, because the Live Oak Farms that started 90+ years ago is not the same Live Oak Farms that stands here today. Yes, we have core values that are rooted in us, but we’ve evolved into so much more.

In short, we are a fresh market conventional round tomatoes, roma tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, and now organic green bells Grower, Packer, & Shipper. But that is not who we are. That is what we’re good at. That is our purpose. We were created to feed the world, plain and simple.

If you reflect back on your personal life, you see the mountains you’ve had to climb. The times in your life where you are truly happy and thriving. People that have come into your life to stay and people who stepped into your life only for a period to act as a catalyst to growth. And at the end of the day life is really all about the love you are surrounded by, being kind, and the continual work to become the best version of yourself.

That my friends, is Live Oak Farms. The WHO behind the WHAT. We’ve had failures and successes, hard times and good times. We have met some people that have crossed our path that end up being a part of us for over 20 years and we’ve some where their time with us was brief. We’ve learned lessons through challenges and are grateful when things run smoothly. We wake up every day and appreciate what we have.

Live Oak Farms is on a journey of life, much like your own. With a dream and dedication to become better with each passing decade. We want to continue to provide fresh produce for you for another 100 years. Our path, like yours, will continue to challenge us but also bring us an abundance of joy and blessings. With the people who make up Live Oak Farms we continue to persevere and grow year after year. We are like an athlete, competitive with ourselves to improve our own performance, but doing so with a goal to also uplift and serve those people around us. We love what we do, and we take pride in who we are. Consistently evolving to best serve our customers while being rooted in our beliefs and commitment to the land and agriculture industry.

The question we have for you is, WHO ARE YOU? We want to hear your Whobehind the What as well! Interact with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram and tag us!

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