We all know that eating fresh fruit and vegetables are good for you. Red Bell peppers are a great way to boost your intake of vitamin C. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant that helps your body fight disease. There are reports that lycopene also helps prevent some cancers, is good for your eyes and helps fight nerve pain. If you’re still looking for a reason to increase your consumption of fruit and vegetables, we’d like to offer another reason – great taste for all ages:
At Live Oak Farms, we believe in the goodness of a diet that includes multiple servings of fruit and vegetables as an important component of any wellness program. But, we’ve taken the concept of health wellbeing a step forward. We’ve launched a wellness program for our employees who work hard to ensure that your tomatoes and peppers are full of flavor and look great too.

At the beginning of the year, we offered health screenings to our employees. While the program is voluntary, we’re impressed with the strong demand. Our wellness program evolved out of last year’s introduction of an exercise program at the beginning of each day that we’d hope would reduce the number of work related injuries (it did!). We were not only encouraged by the positive feedback of our employees, we found that our production crews out performed management on their exercising. We’re challenging everyone to be part of our Wellness Wednesday programs and we’ll all see by the end of the season whether we’ve all taken a few positive steps to improve own health.
Live Oak Farms has a great team of employees. Many have been here for years, sometimes decades. As we all age, we need to not only eat right, but also give a little more attention to our health. Our wellness program is a small step, but it represents our commitment to contributing to a healthy community and those who help grow and pack the fruits and veggies that are good for you.